Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to my blog on Beauty Eyeshadow MakeUp

Hi, welcome to my blog. I started this blog of: Beauty Eyeshadow MakeUp is to share with you my experience and interest on beauty eyeshadow makeup tips, beauty eyeshadow cosmetic makeup products, trends of creating beauty eyeshadow makeup in 2010 and all other related or relevant news on upcoming fashions in the areas of cosmetics, color, beauty and eyeshadow applications.

I'm graduated from Cosmoprof Singapore and I've been in the makeup line since 2005. I will share my thoughts and experience as I believed every gal should put on beauty makeup and have lots of beauty skincare products. Each individual deserves to be confident on your looks!
It's sad to see some girls who wear poor or no makeup. Every women must be pampered. Come on wear your best makeup especially on your EYES. Since there was a survey done before that most people will first look into your eyes than the rest of the other features on the face. Trust me, yeah !