Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to choose an eye mascara

1- Sana, Extra Large Mascara (top, left)
2- Lancome, Oscillation water resistance vibrating power mascara (top, right)
3- Mabelline, volum' express cat eyes mascara waterproof

Eye makeup can be a big challenge for most women. Including myself, as there are always so many things to consider here.

Starting from our eye browns, we ought to take care the color tone and the shape of it vs the shape of our face. Next, we must have a good concealer under our eyes or an excellent powder/ foundation before we apply our eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara.

We can never neglect the choice and the texture eyeshadow cosmetic including the color of our eye shadows, eyeliner and eye mascara that we choose.

The basic mascara colors are: black, dark brown, light brown or even red and blue. It is always safest to stay in the color range of black to dark brown. This will probably suit all occasions.

Always clamp your eyelash before applying your eye mascara. This must be done starting from those eyelashes that are from the inner lids then repeat this to the outer. Apply mascara in a zig zag manner to enhance the curl. Mascara could be applied up to at least 2-3 coats to give the thicker and fuller looks. Please wait for the first coat to dry up before the start of the second coat. Try to go for those mascara that comes with the curved brush.

If you have super oily eyelids like me, go for water proof mascara so that it never smudge. If you have sensitive eyes, try not to rub your eyes after you apply those eyeshadow cosmetics. Go for mineral makeup instead.

Above are a few brands of eye mascara that I would suggest you to try. Good luck.
(Picture source: Sasa website)