I've got something "powerful" on acne gel to introduce to you. It's from NeoStrata, called the Acne Spot Treatment Gel. Size: 0.5 oz. Price at S$35 at Local Pharmacies like NTUC Unity or Guidance.
This gel is relatively economical and extremely effective if you have oily skin or big bouchy pimples. It tends to dried up your acne quickly. All thanks to their patented NeoHydroxy Complex™ or Salicylic Acid that penetrates the clogged pores. This eliminates blemishes and promote healing of acne. Moreover, after applying this gel, it tends to prevent new blemishes from forming.
However, there are a couple of "disadvantages" that is associated with this product, first- that's the tingling effect that you may have after application. All you need is to bear with it. This means that the gel is taking effect on your skin. However, if your skin is really painful or bleed then you may be allergy to AHA products so best to stop using it.
The second disadvantage will probably be the- brown spots appearing on the acne areas after you put on the gel for awhile. Not to worry on this as these brown spots will eventully dried up and "fall" off itself. After this, your skin will be bright and smooth.
Try it.