The book is informative, sharing Bobbi Brown's experience, thoughts and knowledge of her twenty five years of makeup and beauty experience. There are varies topics from makeup face lifts, makeover tips, food, accessories to creating new ideal look.
One of the topic she wrote is on words of wisdom from women who have come to age beautifully. She surveyed a couple of women whom she admires and some of the words from these different women on their philosophy view of age beauty are real good.
I feel some of the below comments are very true and it makes me less worry to age, be graceful, confident and full charisma.
Let's see Vera Wang- our famous fashion designer and her views.
Aging: It was written that she has friends in their sixties to seventies whom she consider beautiful because they have maintained their character. They had not tried plastic surgery but she can accept that to fit a certain aesthetic to be beautiful. I feel the same.
Marcia Gay Harden and her view on Aging... She embrace age. Same, she did not go against having minor surgical to look and feel better but it is silly to look twenty when you are forty. Beauty is in both words and actions. Also, part of beauty in your forties is to understand ideas and music of beauties in teens.
Vanessa William (famous singer) and her comments on aging: as long as women are empowered, aging is not a problem and has no limits.
Source: Living Beauty, Bobbi Brown